What Do Trials Reveal?
Last week, we saw that those who persevere through trials are thriving as disciples of Jesus (read the article here).
As we turn to James 1:13-15, we run into a common question, so frequently asked that it has almost become a cliche: why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
I heard it asked on a fifth grade field trip to the King Center in Atlanta, in an interview for my D.Min. research, and saw it an online discussion this week.
But rarely do we ask a deeper question: why are we asking this question in the first place?
In my college days, I asked this question, as far as I know, out of an idealistic, pure-hearted, philosophical quest to find truth. If the reality of human and animal suffering was incompatible with the existence of an all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful God, I needed to work that out, and jettison my childhood beliefs.
As I've gotten older, I've found another reason to ask this question: Perhaps God is tempting me.
If he didn't want me to sin, then he wouldn't have put me in these bad circumstances. But, since I am feeling so much pain, it is okay to do whatever I want to do to feel better. Actually, my sin is God's fault. If he had done a better job taking care of me, I wouldn't be so tempted to do what's wrong! God, if you want me to do what's right, you need to get involved...
Writing it down, it seems absolutely insane.
But when I want to lay on the horn because someone cut me off in traffic and made me miss the light, and now I'm going to miss carpool, so that means parking and walking into the school, and then I'll be in worse traffic on the way home, and then dinner will be late, so they deserve it...?
As it turns out, James is pastorally aware of my problem, as he knew his readers had the same self-justifying logic at work in their hearts. He writes in James 1:13-15:
No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by God,” since God is not tempted by evil, and he himself doesn’t tempt anyone.
But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire.
Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.
In talking to many passionate Christians, one theme emerges: they all faced testing points in their walk with God.
For instance, it's heartbreaking to hear (much less experience) stories of parents mistreating their children - from neglect to abuse - but when people get real, it's an issue that comes out.
One person I talked to responded by rebelling against everyone and everything, and living for themselves. But thankfully, one day in college, they realized their life was empty, unsatisfying, and miserable.
They asked themselves: what's the point of my rebellion?
They wondered.... is the God I heard about at church actually there?
What if I read a Bible? And maybe try to pray...and find some real Christians.
Looking back on it, they describe this as a season when the Holy Spirit was at work in their lives, drawing them to experience the love of God.
It's the same idea in contemporary language: "I've run away from God, done whatever I wanted, and I feel awful."
Here's a critical diagnostic question: Do you sin less when your circumstances are good — or bad?
Maybe each of us would answer one way or another, but I think the real answer is this: sin doesn't depend on our circumstances, but our hearts.
When our hearts are 'enticed' - or deceived and drawn away from what is good - we give into and then fulfill our evil desires.
Think about it for a friend. If a friend said to you, "Look, I'm tired of loving God and others. I'm just going to be completely selfish from here on out," how would you advise them?
Wouldn't it look like they were headed for a disaster? Wouldn't you grieve and pray and plead with them to not make a mess of their lives? Maybe the first few steps would feel good, like the exhilaration of driving 100mph down the highway. But over time, we know they're accelerating toward a dangerous outcome.
But then we think about our own lives, and it's much harder to tell which way to go. After all, we can see ways to get security, comfort, control, and satisfaction on our own terms - why wait for God?
This is why we need to humbly listen to God's wisdom in this passage. Instead of blaming God, we need to reach out to him, and ask him to help us be faithful to him, even in the hardest of circumstances.
And instead of isolating ourselves, we need the encouragement of trustworthy brothers and sisters in Christ.
As we'll see soon, James knows the good alternative: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change" (James 1:17).
What trials are you facing in your life?
Do they help you justify yourself — or with God's grace, can you see them as an opportunity to draw close to Christ, and imitate his example of faithfulness?
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